GridShib SAML Tools v0.2.0 Technology Preview 2
Tom Scavo writes:
The GridShib Project is pleased to announce the immediate release of GridShib SAML Tools v0.2.0 Technology Preview 2, the first release of the GridShib SAML Tools specifically for developers. Preview 2 includes the following new features:
- Support for multi-valued attributes
- Complete source code distribution, including the Globus SAML Library
- New GridShib Common Java API (gridshib-common-0_2_0.jar) includes:
- the GridShib Security Framework, a standalone implementation of the X.509 Binding for SAML Assertions
- the Loadable interface and its implementations
- the EntityMap interface and its implementations
- the GridShib Entity Mapper, a container for EntityMap implementations
- Extensive javadoc documentation
- New top-level build file for developers (available from CVS only)
This is the last TP-level release of v0.2.0. We anticipate the final version of GridShib SAML Tools v0.2.0 will be released Aug 24, 2007.